Why Corsets Matter For Postpartum Mommas

Why Corsets Matter For Postpartum Mommas

PC: @robynstew8

When I hear the word "corset," I automatically think of the women in movies who wear them and end up not being able to breathe (looking at you, Elizabeth Swann). And it's true, corsets have been used for centuries to improve a woman's shape and help her give the impression of an hourglass figure. But, there are benefits to corsets if you find the right one.

 Belly Bandit Mother Tucker Corset - Black

Having a baby is no picnic, and the postpartum body, in many ways, is like a war zone. Skin and tissue that was once firm and toned is now flabby, floppy, squishy, and covered in stretch marks. Just because the media says you have to lose the baby weight right away doesn't mean we should listen, but all of that aside...it's no fun having jello for a tummy.

When You've Had a C-Section

If you happened to experience a Cesarean Section, then you're in for some extra fun because your jello tummy will also have an extremely painful incision right where most pants and underwear bands go. Not ideal.

Types of Belly Bands

Luckily, there are ways to make the post-baby belly not so terrible. One of these is using a belly wrap. They come in many types including:
Belly Bandit Flawless Belly Support Belt - Black
  • Medical wraps (usually provided by the hospital)
  • Support belts
  • Belly wraps
  • Postpartum corsets

The hospital wraps are often scratchy and not focused on comfort, although some women find them helpful nonetheless. If you want to pamper yourself, The Baby Cubby stocks several of these products for mommas that need a little boost post-baby. The best part is that not all corsets or support belts are just for after baby comes! In fact, the Belly Bandit Support Belt is meant for before, during, and after pregnancy, so it's a great product to always have on hand.

Belly Bandit Original Belly Wrap - Nude

A Belly Wrap is probably the best tool to use right after a tough birth or C-section, and something like a postpartum corset can also help you get your original shape and figure back. It's always nice to have options, and most women find they can benefit from some sort of support band after baby is born, because, let's be honest, there's a lot of loose skin/tissue/muscle/fat down there that could use some support! So what are the actual benefits, if any? I've done some research, and here's what I found out:

Benefits of Support Bands

There are both cosmetic and medical benefits to wearing a support band after having a baby, and especially after having a C-section. During a C-section, the surgeon cuts through your abdominal wall, the connective tissues of your stomach muscles, and your uterus. Because the surgeon must also pull apart stomach muscles to access the uterus and pull baby out, there is often nerve damage and muscle pain. Luckily, support bands offer one important recovery tool: compression. Medically speaking, compression increases blood flow to the site, reduces swelling and excess scar tissue, prevents wounds from opening, and reduces tension and pressure on the site overall. Here are some other specific benefits from wearing a support band postpartum:
  • Alleviate pressure and pain at the incision site
  • Speed up recovery by helping you walk and move earlier
  • Provide more freedom of movement without the worry of incision opening
  • Encourages better posture, always helpful after 9 months of strain on the spine
  • Supports your back and abdominals
  • Gives added breastfeeding support
Cosmetically, benefits of a support band abound as well:
  • Help you feel confident in your body
  • Ensure that loose skin tightens properly
  • Prevent sagging of extra skin and fat over your incision

Essentially, a belly support draws in stretched skin and weakened muscles while offering complete support and confidence about your torso. Whether you feel like a support belt, belly wrap, or corset is what you need, feel free to explore the benefits! I haven't heard one woman say she regretted using some form of belly support after having a baby, and it can't hurt to get some added support during the pregnancy, either!

Here's to added support, am I right?

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