When it comes to the girls, I get a little passionate. We should cherish them, protect them, and make sure they are happy. But when you have a baby and start breastfeeding, all of a sudden you're sticking your girls in your baby's mouth and basically signing up for all the pain and discomfort that comes along with it. Ugh.
Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads
If you're a nursing mama, you know the tale all too well. The swollen girls, the cracked nipples, the ever-present wet spots on your shirt... What happened to my perky, happy girls?!
Well, Bamboobies are here to help you out and make things a little easier on your best friends.
Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads
When I was pregnant with my first, I found out real quick that the disposable nursing pads were super irritating to my nipples, and made them even more dry and cracked. *MISERABLE* When I switched to Bamboobies, I kid you not I sobbed in relief. (Breastfeeding is a weird rollercoaster of emotions, don't judge me, okay?) Their nursing pads are made from super soft bamboo cotton, and you just throw them in the wash with one of your 6 million loads of laundry and they're good to go again.
When you're just starting out and you and babe are still getting the hang of nursing, you're gonna be hurting. So the BoobEASE Therapy Pillows from Bamboobies are going to make the girls so happy, mama! You can either heat them up (for those nasty times when mastitis shows up), or use them frozen when you need some relief on a bad latch. They are so comfortable and slip right into a nursing bra. Seriously heavenly.
Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads
The best thing about Bamboobies for me was that they always kept the leaks at bay! When I nurse, I am basically on the "ON" for 24 hours and that means leaks all. day. long. But they are so absorbent that I never had to worry about it throughout the day. They also make extra thick pads for overnight so you're not waking up to your screaming baby in a puddle of your own milk. MAMA WIN!