Before you become a mom, you see the cutest pictures of babies wrapped up all tight and cozy. And then you have a baby to wrap up all tight and cozy and you get all weepy thinking about how they like to be all tight and cozy because they were all tight and cozy in your womb and… how the heck do you even swaddle?! Wrap them up and they’re immediately wriggling out of it. Wrap them up and their one leg is sticking out or the bottom isn’t closed up. Try to wrap them up and there isn’t enough blanket to actually swaddle with. YouTube video after YouTube video on how to swaddle and it just wasn’t working for me.
Then my friend gave me a gift card to The Baby Cubby. I wanted a cute blanket for newborn pictures and I ended up picking a Copper Pearl swaddle blanket. I just picked it because it was the cutest blanket ever, but who knew that what I really needed all along to swaddle was the right blanket, and that there was nothing wrong with my swaddling technique (okay, maybe there was a little something wrong with my swaddling technique).
There is something special about the Copper Pearl material that oozes with softness and stretch. The softness is perfect to make sure my baby is comfy, but the stretch is perfect for the functionality. I can wrap her up nice and tight and she can wiggle around a little without popping open my expert swaddle. Plus the swaddles have the perfect amount of fabric. There is enough to tuck in all the right places to hold the wrap job. All of this makes me immensely happy, but what drew me to Copper Pearl in the first place were the adorable prints. I thought my swaddling days were over before they had even begun before I bought a Copper Pearl blanket. I thought I was just buying it for show–for family pictures. Who knew it was functional and cute?! Really Copper Pearl is a triple threat because they grow with your child.
As we all know newborns don’t stay newborns forever *sobs* and they eventually start rolling. Once they start rolling they cannot be swaddled anymore. This means they have to move on to a sleep bag! I don’t know what it is about babies in sleep bags but Oh. My. Goodness. I want to just squeeze them. Sleep bags are the best because 1--you can’t kick them off, which leads to 2--they can stay warm while helping to prevent SIDS. Copper Pearl’s sleep bags are made from the same buttery soft material that their swaddle blankets are from. That also means that they come in the most darling prints there ever were.

Do my babies have all these blankets? They sure do. Do they also have Copper Pearl accessories? You know it. My favorites are their Top Knot Hats. Why? My precious daughter has a very large head. I’m talking 99th percentile. This means that no newborn hat ever fit her except for the Copper Pearl hats because they were made out of that same wonderfully stretchy material that could fit over her big noggin.
I could go on and on about Copper Pearl. They have even more products than just their blankets and hats. They have bibs, towels, binky clips, bows, burp clothes, multi use covers, sheets, and more. I’m not saying that you need all of them, but I am saying I have all the things and I am so happy that I do. And I think my babies are too.
For more info on Copper Pearl go to