Have you ever had the luxury of a recycling bin in one living space, but not in another? It's hard to care about recycling and then suddenly not care. In fact, a little part of me (and the earth, presumably) dies each time I throw away a recyclable cardboard box or plastic bottle. After moving to Arizona, I eventually got wise and started taking matters into my own hands by taking my recycling to a nearby center that pays me pennies for my green efforts. Despite going out my first time in rush hour and getting far fewer pennies than I was hoping for, I plan to keep recycling in the future, because it makes me feel good.
You know what else feels good? Using products made from recyclable materials. It's true! Most of us, me included, might not always think about the environmental effects of the companies and retailers we buy from, but it's coming into vogue to buy from people that do their environmental homework, so to speak. Here's one company that takes "going green" to the next level.

The Baby Cubby is proud to introduce you to Re-Play, a 100% recyclable product that provides your kiddies with guilt-free plates, bowls, cups and utensils in a variety of fun colors! These nifty dishes are made from recycled milk jugs, so it's something that's easy for your kids to understand and relate to. If you want a fun way to serve food, while teaching your kids about the benefits of recycling, just use the Re-Play products! They easily get the conversation started while also being adorable and oh-so-useful.
Each of the Re-Play dishes and utensils are made with kids in mind, so they're well-balanced, durable, machine washable, and just fun to look at and use. These dishes also come in useful combinations, like the infant beginner set, along with divided plates and no-spill cups, to keep mealtimes running smoothly and free of tears (from parents and kids, alike!).
Re-Play Infant No-Spill Sippy Cup - Aqua
For each Re-Play product we offer, you can choose from the following exciting color options:
- Navy blue
- Kelly green
- Sky blue
- Red
- Purple
- Sunny yellow
- Aqua
- Bright pink