In the spirit of celebrating the everyday things that make our lives wonderful, here's a whole day that's dedicated to puckering up with your loves. That's right babes. It's International Kissing Day and we are in love with having another excuse to get gushy!
Everyone's got their own flashbacks of their memorable kisses. Whether it's a reassuring one on the cheek from your mama, the wasted ones from back in high school, or my favorite-- the slobbery ones from my sweet little boy. In my opinion, the world could use a little more love, so any day that helps us to maximize those feelings towards ourselves or others is a win in my book. Here are some cute ideas to make this perfectly acceptable excuse for a holiday the best one yet!Go on a date.
And yeah. I know this seems like a no-brainer. And maybe it is, and you're already ten steps ahead of me, but I recommend making it a special date night. Get dressed up, wear a kissable lipstick, and make sure that you up the romance! We are all about making sure you get kisses all night long!

How about making it a fun day with you and your little ones at home?
I think it would be so fun to start the day off with kiss pancakes, and filling up the day handing out kisses to anyone you run into. Your babes will love to help you mix up the breakfast, and they will totally get a kick out of giving some treats to friends!

And for those of us who are maybe a little sore on the subject...
I recommend getting with some besties, making sure your freezer is stocked with the good men (yes, I am talking about Ben and Jerry), a great romcom ready to stream, and having yourself a go at the kisses of the world. How about making yourselves a lovely lip piñata like these adorable ones we found. Oh and make sure to fill it up with some delicious treats. It's required.