PC: Charla Yvonne
I absolutely adore this time of year! There's just something so wonderful about summer. There's a sense of relief that comes along with these sunny months. However, I now have a little one to constantly think/worry about and I'm learning as we enter the first few weeks of summer, just how many questions I have about keeping him safe. If you're anything like me, you probably have thirty million questions crossing your mind at any given minute, so I spared you a list of 30 million questions, and instead highlighted the best safety tips for keeping your babies safe and cool this summer!
Number 1 - Sunscreen and Clothes!
Want to know a secret? I was SO excited for the first day I got to take Marcus swimming, but I realized right before we got to the pool that I
Number 2 - Bug Repellent!
Do you know whether you can use bug repellent on a baby, because I didn't, just another question Mr. Google gets to answer for me. According to the Center of Disease Control, you can start putting repellent on babies as young as two months! YAY! Baby Center has an awesome article on using repellent with some tips to keep your baby safe. For example, you should not apply repellent under clothing, only on exposed skin and clothing. Also, apply sunscreen first, then repellent. When you've returned home (especially if you've re-applied throughout your day), wash your child's skin with soap and water so their skin doesn't get irritated.Number 3 - Hydration!
I learned something new today! Before I took Marcus swimming, I knew to pack extra food as summer activities work up quite an appetite in kids, but did you know that children under the age of 1 need to typically consume 50% more food during the summer months?! I had NO idea! So, get ready moms, if baby is crying for food a little earlier than you were planning, they're probably reacting to the summer heat and their bodies need the extra food. Babies over 6 months can have water in small amounts, but just be prepared with extra milk for all babes under 1 to keep them hydrated. Even if they don't look sweaty they're losing liquids fast in the summer sun.Number 4 - Stay off your Phone!
I'm addicted to my cell phone. I completely admit that. If I don't know where it is, I start to panic. I always have it with me, and usually always have it within arms reach. I'm also obsessed with posting summer photos of baby online. I can't help it, he's so adorable! However, during summer activities, parents (definitely including me), need to adopt the policy of no phone, no texts, and no posts while participating in a summer activity. It's incredibly important that we don't get distracted with our phones while our children are swimming, or playing in the street. It only takes a few seconds for tragedy to strike. It's the summer, and our kids deserve our love, attention, and protection. Leave your phone in your beach bag and enjoy the sun with your kids. You'll be making memories and keeping them safe!
Number 5 - Be Prepared for Anything!
I love a practical and cute accessory for the diaper bag (or purse if you've moved out of the diaper bag phase), and that's exactly what these adorable Ju-Ju-Be Be Quick Purse Bags and Petunia Picklebottom Train Cases are! These amazing accessories were created to be filled with antiseptic, insect repellent, extra sunscreen, pain reliever, burn ointment, chapstick, epi-pens, inhalers, or maybe some Aiden and Anais Soothing Ointment...essentially fill these cute bags with some emergency essentials and you're ready for anything! Plus, they're adorable and will fit perfectly in your summer bag. Getting caught unprepared is a moms nightmare, so take a few minutes today to pack your bag for all of life's unexpected surprises!
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[…] In: Whip out that kiddie pool, lather on the sunscreen and grab your favorite book! Do you see where I’m headed here? What is an exciting afternoon […]