Celebrating the arrival of your new little one with friends and family is an event many look forward to. With our world being turned upside down due to the current pandemic, everyone has had to alter some kind of travel, family, or other life events.
Throughout these unprecedented times, we've seen unprecedented levels of creativity from humankind. So, though it may require some reevaluating and imagination, and even though it may not be the baby shower you've hoped for and dreamed about, you can still celebrate your new little one!
Drive-By Baby Shower
If you partake in any kind of social media, I'm sure you've seen viral videos of people hosting drive-by birthday parties, graduation parties, and even drive-by weddings! Why not hold a drive-by baby shower? Guests can be encouraged to decorate their cars, play music, and celebrate from a safe distance while the parents-to-be enjoy the festivities from their porch or yard.
Virtual Baby Shower
Yep, it's exactly as it sounds! All of your guests can attend your virtual baby shower via Zoom, FaceTime, or other live chat channels on their devices. It's a great option for those who have family and loved ones far away who still want to join in on the celebration. Everyone can log on at a designated time and you can even follow a traditional baby shower format by including games and gift opening. With a quick search on the web, you can quickly be led to many resources to help you host the perfect virtual baby shower. This is also a great option to save on decorations, a venue, food, and more!
Absolutely Nothing
While the baby shower traditions are, well, traditional, if you opt for no baby shower at all, that's 100% okay. Pregnancy is stressful. This wild pandemic is stressful. If you feel a baby shower in any way, shape, or form would just present more stress, you can choose to pass on it entirely. There are many ways you can prepare without a party. Perhaps you can host a virtual "Welcome Party" once the baby arrives if you prefer. Your loved ones will support you no matter what.