Most mamas these days are pretty accepting of other mamas who experience postpartum depression, and it's become easier to talk about among our friends and fam, and most of us have tons of supporters to help us through.
If you've ever been on instagram (heh), then I'm sure you've seen the stories with celebrities and their quotes/experiences with PPD and how they're just like every other normal mother (shocker?!), and it's not something to hide or be ashamed of.
All of this is true and wonderful and amazing and mamas are lucky today that we have people around us to love us through the tough days and understand when we tell them we're not ourselves and it's been hard after having baby.
But what happens when those days stick around, and the PPD turns into depression that just lasts? And your little one is almost 2 and you're still dealing with the mix of emotions that your hormones knocked out of whack? And you're still working with your doc to get your prescription right so that you don't feel like sleeping all day, closing the curtains, and shutting out the world? Is that still talked about? Is that still normal for mamas.
It is.
And it's okay to talk about.
Contrary to popular belief, postpartum depression isn't always a 6-month stint with some meds and you're good to go and back to your "normal self". Sometimes it is just a part of you now, and you're working on recognizing the new self and working on the new feelings that weren't there before having babes.
And that's okay to talk about too.
It's okay that not every day is easy, and it's okay that not every day you feel like you're going to crush the mama game: be that amazing mother, and make a home-cooked meal, and clean the house, and dote on your kids, and play with them through all the sunshine and laughter.
Some days are hard for no reason and that's okay to talk about too.
When you've dealt with the support of postpartum depression, it's okay to reach out to your besties and your mom and make sure your husband understands that you still have hard days. Don't think you're a burden just because you're still coming to them with worries and complaints and tears. You can let them know that you're still dealing with insomnia and anxiety and negative self-talk and headaches, and that having babies has changed you. It's okay to reach out again. And again and again and again.
When it comes right down to it, there are so many people around us that will love us, help us, and understand the feelings that we have and the things that we're dealing with, and it's okay to talk about.
Mama, if you're anything like me, you know all about the yucky feelings you can go through during your normal day, and if you're anything like me you have a couple of things that make you feel better and help you get through it. It's okay to use those things to help you be the best mama that you can be for that day. Remember that you are an amazing mama. Remember that you are priceless to your babies, to your husband, to your bffs, and to your family.
Keep your head up and remember that it's okay to ask for help. Even if you feel like your PPD has stuck around a little longer than most mamas, and maybe that it's here to stay.
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[…] jewelry. Postpartum changes can affect you physically and mentally and leave you feeling a wide range of emotions, many of them all at the same time. The good news is, you typically see your doctor right around […]