Nursing pillows have become an absolute staple for any mom wanting to breastfeed, and the number of choices can sometimes be overwhelming. Luna Lullaby is known for their line of mommy and baby products that make nursing and sleeping easier on all of us. Their Bosom Baby Nursing and their Lil' Something Mini Nursing Pillow make breast or bottle-feeding a dream, and they double as handing tummy-time or sit up support as baby grows.

The unique "V" shape of the Luna Lullaby is what makes it a great choice for all nursing moms. The "V" shape of the pillow makes bringing baby up to breast level much easier, which helps baby while latching (which we all know can be an absolute horror story for new babies and moms to figure out). The shape also helps with back support for mom while nursing. Back aches are common for first-time moms, or any mom with a new baby, but the Luna Lullaby can help with that by keeping you upright while still supporting baby.
Lullaby's Lil' Something is a cute little number that makes nursing on-the-go enjoyable for mom and baby. We've all been there- Trying to support hangry baby in a fitting room or car, doing our best to get comfortable so that baby can eat, but squirmy baby is used to more comfort so we both end up in tears. With the Lil' Something Mini Nursing Pillow we can all wake up from that nursing nightmare! It's compact size and "V" shape fit perfect to any size mom, while being small enough to bring the comfort of nursing at home wherever you go. The Lil' Something is a great tool for any nursing mom who is worried about nursing outside the house. This pillow also works as a great tummy-time pillow to help baby develop those important abdominal muscles.

The Baby Bosom and the Lil' Something Nursing Pillows have soft covers with no exposed snaps, velcro or zippers which makes soothing baby easy in any feeding position. Also, thanks to the "V" shaped pillow you don't need to worry about losing support in the middle of the pillow. Their extra fluffy pillow make nursing so enjoyable, and especially easy on mom's during c-section recovery.

[…] searching for something to pamper yourself with during pregnancy or you’re on the hunt for the perfect nursing pillow, Luna Lullaby has got you covered. Choose from among three types of pillows and countless color […]
[…] Sure, there are many pillows available at the hospital to aid in breastfeeding, but this nursing pillow doesn’t take up much space and might just need to be apart of your hospital bag. These firm v-shaped pillows from Luna Lullaby have amazing support but remain very soft and comfortable for both mom and baby. They are the prefect size and shape for travel and fit great in a chair during feedings. To learn more about the benefits of using this bosom baby pillow, read here: Looking for the Best Nursing Pillow? You Found it! […]