When it comes to baby basics, every parent wants to get the softest and comfiest clothes for their babes. And every parent knows that from day one, one of the most used baby basics is the sleeper-- and whether you prefer button fronts or zippers, L'ovedbaby is making baby happy with all their footed overalls. Plus their bodysuits, hats, and baby basics are going to keep your babe covered!
With both my babes, I dressed them in footsie pajamas exclusively for the first 2-3 months. They don't really need anything else! As long as they're comfortable for my little, easy for me to get into to change the 2000 daily diapers, and will keep them safe and cozy with some feet and mittens, then you have covered all the baby needs! And L'ovedbaby is making the footed PJ right, mamas!
L'ovedbaby makes their footed overalls and bodysuits from preemie to 24 months from organic cotton, and all their gorgeous colors are from eco-friendly and non-toxic dyes. I love that they come with little grippers on the soles of the feet to keep babe from ending up on their bum (more than usual), folded mittens for baby's razor blade fingernails (sizes up to 6 months), and are tagless because no one needs that itch in their life (especially not our babes)!
Take a look at these new L'ovedbaby cuties we've picked up at The Baby Cubby:

If you have a babe on the way and need to get that new nursery stocked with the basics, or if you're looking to get your little some new must-haves, then take a look at all the L'ovedbaby pieces we carry at The Baby Cubby!