No Spills, No Worries

No Spills, No Worries

Your days of solid foods and sippy cups may be a few months ahead of you, but I’m here to tell you, the No-Spill Cup from Re-Play Recycled needs to be on your “must-have” baby list!

Let’s just say, my daughter is less than delicate with these small but mighty sippys. I’ve witnessed these cups come a’crashing to the hard tile floor many times, and guess what? They lived! No cracks, and certainly (this is the best part) no spills. Huzzah! A product that actually lives up to its name! The silicone valve is the real hero here. It contains the liquids and is easy to remove for cleaning. In addition to being virtually indestructible, there’s only 3 pieces to clean AND they’re dishwasher safe. ‘Cause I know you’re busy, mama. Ain’t nobody got time to hand wash a hundred cups.

Let me also mention that these cups are simple, solid colors. No cheesy characters or distracting logos. Classy sippy cups, if you will. Classy AND environmentally friendly, because did I mention that No-Spill Cups are made from recycled milk jugs? That means that once these cups have lived a good, long life in your household, you can recycle them once again!

Save your sanity. Save your planet. Save your carpet. No-Spill Cups are number one in my book!


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