When it comes to standout products, like strollers and car seats, you want something that will not only work great but look good doing it. UPPAbaby has made that happen with their Vista stroller and Mesa car seat. Once you see them, you'll realize why mamas all over love them!
UPPABaby 2018 Vista Stroller - Loic UPPAbaby Mesa Carseat- Henry
Here's a closer look at why we love the Vista and the Mesa and their perfect combination of safety features, functionality, and high-end style:

The UPPAbaby Vista stroller is an absolute favorite because it gives you the easy-to-use features that you want with the luxury finishes and chic fabrics that fit your style. For a full review, head to our YouTube Channel and check out this video, but here are a couple of features to know about that will blow your mama mind. Modular strollers can sometimes drive you crazy with all of the extra things you need to buy to make them the right fit for your family, but the Vista comes with the frame, toddler seat, and the bassinet. That right there means you have everything you need for your tiniest babes to your big kids without spending anything extra. It has over 20 configurations with the seats/bassinet/carseat so that you can make it work for your fam, but you'll need to make sure you're getting the right attachments for your set up. The finishes on the Vista are hard to beat, and the 2018 has now made the belly bar and the handlebar in the tan leather and it looks so chic and so luxe, and truly makes your stroller a stylish accessory to use. It comes in a wide range of colors and fabric options, so you can definitely find something that you'll love! Both the bassinet and the toddler seat have the generous canopy as well as the extendable sun/bug shield. That, along with the the durable and soft fabrics, and the carbon plated frame will keep your little one comfortable and will keep it from getting too banged up or showing scuffs.

The Vista comes with tons of convenience features that seem simple, but actually make a huge difference in your day-to-day. The telescopic handlebar means you'll be able to adjust for height and also have more leg room when you're pushing the stroller around. The foot lock is a push on/off without any lifting up with your toes (hallelujah to my sandal-wearing mamas!), and you can also lock the front wheels by just pushing a button. Another thing that UPPAbaby added is the swivel/clip in belly bar-- this way you can clip off the bar on one side to swing it out of the way while your toddler hops in instead of having to slide them into the seat. The Vista also has a one-step fold and it rests on a couple of feet on the handlebar so you're not scratching up anything--and it folds with the seat on! Overall, the seat is loaded with must-haves and a few extra features that take this from your standard modular stroller to one that gives you the perfect balance between style and functionality. Keep in mind that it is high end, so you will be paying for the luxury, but the mamas who use it say it's well worth the investment!
If you're looking for the entire travel system for your new babe and are looking for an infant car seat to clip into your Vista, the Mesa car seat is the perfect choice! Beyond the amazing safety features that our Cubby Mom goes over in this review video, there are a few things that we love about this carseat!

The easy install on the Mesa is so great, and can be clipped in using the latch system in just 10 seconds. When you're installing just keep an eye on the level indicators to make sure you're getting your seat at the right incline, and the ratcheting system that keeps babe in nice and tight and you'll be all good to go! You also don't need to worry about messing with the harness straps and rethreading whenever your little one needs a little extra room. You just pull on the tab to move the harness up or down. You can also completely remove the fabric without having to deal with the harness. Speaking of fabric, the Mesa has breathable, soft fabric and the Henry color is even made of organic, naturally flame retardant cotton that doesn't have to go through any other chemical treatments. When you're using your Mesa with the Vista stroller you'll love that the handlebar features a one-handed release button so you can easily move babe from the stroller without any extra effort.