Okay you guys, this car seat is AMAZING!! Maxi-Cosi doesn't mess around when it comes to car seats, and they knew the all-in-one seat is an option that everyone should get to entertain. I mean, a car seat that you can use for ten years?! That's pretty amazing! Let's check it out!

This thing is brand, brand new! The first round of these car seats will be shipping out in April. Maxi-Cosi introduced the Maxi-Cosi Magellan convertible car seat at a big expo (ABC Kids's Show) at the end of last year, and have been working to perfect and produce it since then. Luckily we have all the info and specs to share with you before it actually hits the market!
There are two ways to install the Magellan Max. One option is to use the LATCH clips, just as with most other seats on the market these days. The second option is to use the seat belt in the car, threaded through the correct belt path indicated on the car seat. This seat also has belt lock-offs for seatbelt installation, that will help you get a precise and secure installation!
Harness Features
There are three awesome features to know about the harness on this seat. First, you get a magnetic clip quik chest clip! This clip makes buckling a bit easier for mom and dad, but is strong enough that you kiddo won't be able to undo it themselves.
The second new feature is the EZ In-and-out harness straps. So, the straps on the Magellan Max are held up and out of the way when you loosen the harness to get your kiddo in or out of the seat. I seriously wish this feature was on our Pria that my daughter is in right now. Fighting with a car seat harness doesn't have to be part of the day anymore!

Third, a no re-thread harness makes this thing as parent friendly as possible. When your child gets too tall for one harness height simply squeeze the button at the top and slide it right up! No need to take little one out of the seat and take the seat out of the car to adjust it.
Fabric and Accessories
As always with Maxi-Cosi seats the fabrics are premium AND can be cleaned in the washer and dryer! The first time your babe has a blow out or squirts an entire apple sauce pouch onto the seat you will be SO happy about this! Magellan Max also has two removable cup holders. Perfect for the growing kiddo, and the mom that wants all of the gunk out of that cup holder!
Seating Configurations
This is an all-in-one seat! You could buy this before baby was born, take them home from the hospital in this seat, and then finish out their car seat and booster years with this same seat. That is such an awesome option for parents to have!
Weight range is from 5 to 40 lbs., meaning this seat is suitable for newborns! There are 7 recline positions on this seat so that while in rear facing mode your baby is at the perfect and safe recline position at every weight and stage.
Weight range is from 22 to 65 lbs. This configuration will essentially be used for the duration of time that you would use a convertible car seat about age 2 to booster seat time! There are 14 harness height adjustments to fit all the growing that will happen in those years!
Booster seat
When your child is too big for their configurable seat, they are still too small to sit in a normal car seat. Don't skip the booster seat!! The Magellan Max transitions right into a booster seat by sliding the outer shell up to expose a belt pathway, and tucking away the harness internally. This same seat is now ready to house your child all the way to 120 lbs!
Although this video isn't specifically about the Magellan Max, it does have very useful information about transitioning your child to each different type or configuration of car seat! All of this information applies to the Magellan Max, you just get to change the configurations on one seat rather than buying different ones!
We do video calls with our customers! Call our store in American Fork, UT, and ask them to do a video call with you. They will be able to give you hands on help that way. Thanks!
We just got this car seat and we love so many of the features! Wd can’t figure out how to pull the strap at the foot of the carseat to tighten the shoulder straps while it is in the car. I wish there were more videos online about how to use this carseat because it isn’t super intuitive and it is hard to get the straps as tight as they need to be to be safe. Do you have any tips on how to get the straps tight when the car seat is rear facing?