3 Books Your Kids Need to Read

3 Books Your Kids Need to Read

In the very wide and very deep sea of kid's books out there it can be difficult to know which ones are good and which are a waste of your money. Promoting literacy in children is very important, and has been since my first was just a baby! I started reading to him before he could even hold his head up! So, through my journey through this world of children's books, I have found some that I absolutely adore, and others that, well, I don't. Today though, I want to share with you my top 3 books for kids to read and why!

I like Myself 

Because the media is so prevalent in our society, it is becoming increasingly difficult for our children to come out of childhood loving themselves. They can often feel pressure to look, act, and behave a certain way to fit in and feel accepted (not surprising since I'm sure you and I feel that way as well!). I was so excited when I was introduced to I Like Myself to help me teach my children that we are all different and unique, and that is not only OK but should be embraced! In the past I have found it hard to find different ways to help my kids love what is unique in them and others, but this book makes it just a little easier and offers a platform to talk to your kids about embracing their differences.

I like myself

Tickle Monster 

In the busy life of a mom or dad it can be hard to take time out to play with your children. All the demands we have on us like cook dinner, do laundry, do homework, run errands, go to practice, etc. often leave us depleted and without time or energy. I know I have always made time to read to my children, but my heart was not always in it and I cannot help but feel that my kids noticed that. I absolutely love that because you can get Tickle Monster with a great set of "tickle monster gloves," it encourages and makes it almost easy to interact and play with your children. So, when you read Tickle Monster to them, you are tackling two things at once. What parent doesn't love that?! 

Tickle Monster

The Giving Tree

You have probably heard of this one since it is kind of a classic. But, for good reason! If you haven't caught onto this yet, I am a huge fan of books that indirectly teach a lesson! The Giving Tree is very unique as it has a number of lessons that can be learned from its story like: how you can feel joy by giving, material things may not make you happy so you need to look inside to find real joy, there are people in your life that will always be there for you and do anything to make you happy, and finally, even when it may seem that you have nothing, you can always find someway to serve or give. You may even find some other lessons in this book that I have not thought of! This is a great book to help teach your kids about true and absolute happiness.

The Giving Tree

Reading to your kids is so important for their literacy but also for the connection that you get from spending time with them. But it doesn't have to be a chore! Don't overthink it, just do it. To make it easier on me I have a set time that I read with my boys individually everyday. Do what works for you and your family and enjoy that time you get to spend with your little ones, we all know this special time of their life does not last as long as we would like it to. Good luck, superhero's!
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