It’s no secret everybody is in love with Rags, the button-less rompers from Rags to Raches. But WHY?
Shark Tank
First off, it’s so fun when people from the state you grew up in or currently live in end up on television shows. There is an instant connection and you automatically begin rooting for that individual. Rachel from Rags to Raches is from Utah and was on the television series Shark Tank. So instantly, a lot of us liked her and were cheering for her success.
TV show or not, it really helps that her product is genius and loveable. Moms and dads have been going at it for thousands of years, dealing with many of the same ins and outs of parenting that we face today. But our generation of parenting definitely has a more “this could be better, let’s make it better” approach to things. Rachel had an idea, she tried it out, and now thousands of parents are crushing on her because of her awesome and intuitive creation.
The most helpful and obvious functional characteristics of the Rag are the ease of use and the amount of time that is saved! This may surprise some - the fact that it’s easy and quick - but it’s true! A child’s entire body enters one hole, limbs go where they’re supposed to, and it settles into place at the neck. Compared to a coverall with snaps or even a zipper, this is quicker.
Amazingly, the elastic necklines acclimate really well to the task of stretching over a child’s entire body! Permanent stretching, sagging, or loss of shape simply isn’t an issue thanks to the fantastic quality of these Rags. These also grow great with your child and will be a staple in his/her wardrobe for a good amount of time. Obviously they’ll end up growing out of them, but compared to other types of rompers, these tend to fit for a longer period of time!

Gosh, I don’t know if it gets cuter. I mean, rompers in general are ridiculously adorable, but Rags on little humans may be the all-time cutest. And in no way do I think these are more feminine than masculine or vice versa (except for the prints and colors, obviously). Speaking of, the designs on some of these are irresistible - so you really can’t lose here.

There you have it, 5 reasons to fall in love with Rags to Raches! Hop into The Baby Cubby to check these adorable clothing items out in person, or give us a call to order over the phone at (801) 770-0584!