When you have babes, there is a list a mile long of things that you plan on getting to make your life easier. In the market for a new monitor? Ask the grandparents. New jammies? The favorite auntie. But when it comes to basic care needs for our littles we're usually the ones to deliver. And coming from a mama of two, I can tell you what I wish I had put on our Christmas list sooner--Banz Earmuffs.
If you are shaking your head, or are not sure you read that right, let me be more clear. When you have a baby, there are things that you are going to want to do or places that you are going to want to go that your baby will not enjoy. And one of the main reasons they're gonna have a bad time is that it is just too loud.
Babies and toddlers have smaller ear canals, which means they are more sensitive to sounds than we are, and so things that we used to think would be totally fine for our littles turn out to be a nightmare, because they are getting audio-stimulus overload.
So if you're still doubting that a pair of earmuffs will be a game changer for you and your babes, take a look at this little list of things that I was not willing to give up with my littles that Banz Earmuffs made possible.
When we had our first babe, we were still under the impression that until he was old enough to tell us otherwise, we could just take him with us wherever we went. Which included the movies. I mean, you can't beat that Tuesday deal of $5 IMAX. Especially since I was breastfeeding, so a babysitter wasn't going to be an option. And he was still in his car seat half of the time, so no harm done, right? Wrong, mama. We were so wrong. Ya know what would have made that work a little better from the get-go? A sweet pair of infant earmuffs that cancel out loud noises like the Avengers battling for the safety of humankind, but don't leave them in complete silence-- they're still able to hear you talk and other ambient noises, like you chomping down on your popcorn.
Banz Infant Earmuffs
If you're planning on traveling with your babies, first of all, I'm sorry, and second of all, I'm sorry. Babies on planes are pretty much the worst, because they are just not designed or accommodating or friendly to babies in any way. No matter how cute your baby is, you're going to get the stink eye from at least 5 people when you're walking to your seat. Ew. I mean, can you blame our little ones? I wish I could scream and cry when I was strapped to an uncomfortably too small seat and smushed up against a weirdly shaped window while breathing recycled air. If planes are hard on my ears (a reasonably level-headed grown woman), then it must be doing a number on my babe's ears. Getting rid of the majority of those too-loud acceleration and airflow noises on a plane will help your babe relax, and maybe even sleep when you're in the air (plus they won't jump every time the pilot decides to ding that little bell to tell us the weather at our destination city). The Banz Earmuffs are designed to be super comfortable and the perfect size for both infants and toddlers so that your kids won't be raging to rip them off asap. They have super soft foam around the band and the earmuffs, and even your tiniest babe will be able to fall asleep with them on.
1 comment
[…] keep baby comfortable and safe! You can also use a blanket or some other item to create your own earmuffs. If all else fails, periodically cover your baby’s ears with your hands when it gets extra […]