Congrats mama! You are officially halfway through your pregnancy; 20 weeks down, 20 more to go! By now, you are probably starting to feel like you look a little less bloated and a lot more adorably pregnant! Your belly should have a defined roundness to it now (making sleeping a little uncomfortable). Although, first-time mamas may still be especially small, so don't worry if your belly hasn't popped yet! Something very exciting that's happening this week is your baby's gender reveal! If you choose to find out whether you're having a boy or a girl, your practitioner will be able to see those determining body parts via ultrasound at this check-up! This appointment can usually take place any time between week 18-20, although some practitioners might have you wait until you have reached 20 weeks exactly. Here's a peek at what to expect during week 20!
The 2nd trimester is well on it's way! Hopefully by this point you are starting to feel that pregnancy glow! Since you are officially at your midpoint, you should be noticing some significant changes in your body, and I'm not referring to your belly! Those pregnancy hormones are making your hair grow faster than usual, making your locks especially long and luscious! You may also notice, however, that the rest of your body hair is fuller than usual. This isn't always a welcomed pregnancy symptom, but it's totally normal! Post delivery, as your hormones start to regulate, you will notice some hair loss as your beautiful locks return to normal. Nail strength and growth is also starting to be affected this week. Typically, nails grow fast and strong during pregnancy, but sometimes they can get dry and frail. This may be the perfect time to treat yourself to a much deserved mani and pedi!
If your appetite has finally made an appearance, that's great! Eat numerous small meals throughout your day, and try not to let yourself get completely famished! Pack a few small snacks in your purse to curb your hunger while you're on the go. Eating small snacks throughout the day will help you maintain a healthy weight gain, and also provides baby with a solid flow of calories. Studies have shown that moms who eat small, frequent meals are more likely to carry to term over those who only eat a few large meals.
At week 20, your baby is the size of a quince! This means your baby is roughly 10.5 ounces and 6.5 inches long from crown to HEEL. So far, we've been measuring baby from crown to rump, but this week, the measurement switches to crown to heel. What a milestone mamas!
If your baby is a girl, she has already developed her uterus and tiny little ovaries. Her vaginal canal is starting to form, as well as seven million premature eggs! She will be born with all the eggs she will ever have, which will be about two million at the time of birth. If your baby is a boy, his testicles (currently housed in his abdomen) will make their grand decent into his scrotum. Over the next few weeks, his testicles will finish growing and developing in his scrotum.
Whether or not your baby is a boy or girl, one thing is for certain, you will definitely feel him or her move! Your baby is now big enough and strong enough for you (and others) to feel movement. Because your baby still has plenty of room to kick and wiggle, you may feel some powerful punches!
From here on out, sleeping is going to be a difficult task. Right now, your biggest task is finding a comfortable position to sleep in. If you are a stomach sleeper, this might be really hard! Once your belly starts to pop, it is not recommended that you sleep on your belly. Instead, try finding a comfy position on your side or back. Because your belly is still small, it is safe for you to still sleep on your back without harm. If you need extra support, try using a pregnancy pillow! These pillows can be used to aid your aching muscles, align your hips and help you sleep comfortably. The Luna Lullaby Bosom Baby Nursing Pillow is a great alternative to a typical pregnancy pillow. It is smaller in shape and has a dual use! After baby is born, you can use it as a nursing pillow as well!