When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing I did was run out and grab the book What to expect when you are Expecting and basically read it cover to cover. The second thing I did was start planning on how to announce our pregnancy. Telling friends and family that you are pregnant is joyful and exciting and a special pregnancy rite of passage. Whether you announce it in a big creative way or a simple way. it is still going to be so special for the people announcing and the people hearing the big news.
The Baby Cubby has rounded up some of our favorite pregnancy announcements to showcase and give you some ideas! Our hope is that they will inspire you to create you're own fun and unique pregnancy announcement! When you do, please please please tag us on Instagram @thebabycubby! We would absolutely love to see them!
I love this idea of a photo shoot to tell your husband. The photographer (who was in on it with the wife) asked them to each write one thing they loved about each other on a white board. The wife wrote 'you are going to be a dad' and then when they turned around to show it to each other, the photographer is able to capture that moment and the reaction! What a special keepsake for years to come!
The Crazy Life of an Air Force Wife
You could also do the same thing when telling your parents or extended family (this is how we did it with our first except we were secretly recording a video and not taking pictures, it is something we watch over and over)
The classic but still adorable third of something picture featuring bikes, baby shoes, jerseys etc.

It is always fun to include older siblings in the announcement as well!
And finally, use the holidays to get creative with your announcement.
And finally this video is still one of my all time pregnancy announcements and now has over 4.5 million views on youtube.
Written by Cassie Tremblay