Five Ways to Celebrate Your Spouse

Five Ways to Celebrate Your Spouse

National Spouse's Day is here! It's one of those fun, unexpected holidays that gives you a sweet excuse to shower your love with more love! Whether you've got kids and haven't had a lot any time for romance, or you've both been working hard and gotten into the wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat routine, everyone could use some extra love from their spouse.

Here are 5 easy things you can do on National Spouse's Day to let your sweetie know you love them! 

1. Love Notes An oldie but a goodie! This is one of the simplest, easiest ways for you to leave a special little reminder to your spouse about things you love about them. You can do something a little more funky and leave notes in "secret" places you know they'll find on their own, or leave them a special note on their nightstand pouring  your heart out. One thing that I always do is leave my man a couple of notes that he'll get to read during the day: one by his sink in the bathroom telling him how much I love waking up next to him, one in the car telling him not to speed and to also remember how grateful I am he works so hard, and another he can find on the door when he comes home that lets him know how excited *ahem* I am for him to be home. Whatever notes you leave, it's always a special way to let your spouse read the things that make you love them. 

2. Special Night In Plan a great date night in. Make a special dinner, set the table with some candles and your best dishes, and put on some music to transform your home into a different place. Make sure you pay attention to each other! Don't let your phones get in the way of you spending a meal together catching up. A great way to make this more special would be to have a list of questions for each other to answer that will make the discussions a little more meaningful. You could talk about things you want to do this year together, things you're worried about at home or at work, what are the things that you love about each other and things you'd love to do daily/weekly/monthly to make sure your relationship isn't taking a back seat. End the meal with your babe's sweet treat, and cuddle up together under a soft blanket to watch a favorite movie. 
3. Get a Sitter Make some plans to have a babysitter if you've got little ones to take care of. Whether you do it on National Spouse's Day, or you plan it for the weekend instead, have it be a special time for the two of you to branch out from the normal date night. And do yourselves a favor and don't spend the time going to Costco running errands (tempting, I know). Think of some of the restaurants you've heard your spouse mention off-hand and look into making a reservation, or you could plan to do one of their favorite things like bowling or a movie. Just make it something the two of you can share together to make memories, be romantic, and remember why you love spending time together! 
4. Make it Happen If you've got a project guy (or girl) like my husband, you hear all sorts of things that he would love to "work on." One thing you can do to make your spouse know that you've been listening to them is to go out and buy the materials that you would need to start a project you've been wanting to tackle! If you have your babe open up a bag full of stain, screws, and wood glue, they might be confused at first, but attach a little note to let them know you're ready to get to work! This is a great way to spend time together by making something you can always look back at and remember building together. And plus, you'll have date night activities for the next two weekends! 
5. Spruce Things Up Everybody loves a day when they can get pampered, even the guys in our life. Schedule a massage, mani/pedi, or even just a hair cut for your spouse to let them know you want them to have some time to themselves to relax because of how hard they work. Not interested in spending money to get pampered? Leave them a couple of Pamper Coupons that they can cash in whenever they want. Cheesy? Yes. Effective? Also, yes. Your sweetie will love handing you a coupon for a 5-minute back rub when they've had a long day, and it gives the two of you a chance to spend some time alone taking care of each other.

Marriage is not a picnic, but when we work hard to cherish and appreciate our spouse, we strengthen the most important relationship in our homes. National Spouse's Day is a great way to give your relationship a boost to share more love, fun, and romance while you celebrate your spouse!

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