Happy Halloween – A Few Last-Minute Safety Tips - The Baby Cubby

Happy Halloween – A Few Last-Minute Safety Tips

Halloween has so many fun traditions: pumpkin patches, carving/painting pumpkins, and making yummy treats for our friends and neighbors. Having kids for Halloween is magical and fun — and for most kids it's all about the trick-or-treating. My views on trick-or-treating shifted after I had kids, the safety aspects of the holiday became very important. Here are a few safety tips along with other helpful tips to make this year’s trick-or-treating a success.

  • Before going trick-or-treating, talk about strangers. Remind your children that we don’t normally take things from strangers, and that Halloween is the exception because you are there with them.
  • Refresh your child’s memory on your phone number(s), address, and first names. For kids who are too young to know, write that info on a tag inside their costume, or on a paper bracelet.
  • Stay on sidewalks and use crosswalks. During the hustle and excitement, we can let our guard down. Stay aware of your surroundings and watch out for those around you, whether you're walking or driving.
  • Add light colors, reflectors, or light up items to your ensemble. Most of us go out when it's dark, so this will help cars see you. I love to put a few glowsticks on each of my kids so its easier for me to see them in the dark.
  • Dress for the weather! We walk all through our neighborhood, which is large and spread out, and even though it can be warm when we start, it is usually cold halfway through. Depending on where you live, you may even have snow, so warm jackets and boots are important.
  • Inspect your kid’s candy. This is one of those reminders that I wish so badly we didn’t need, but it's important. Make sure all candy is still fully wrapped and don't them eat anything that may be homemade.

I love watching my kids trick-or-treat! They have so much fun, and I love when they learn to accept candy politely. Wishing your family a safe Halloween from the The Baby Cubby!

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