Puj PhillUp Kids Cups
There is not one mother out there who can tell me they don't have an issue with tiny little cups all over their house! How many times does your child want a cup of water, only to drink two sips of it and leave it on the coffee table? Then, ten minutes later they want another cup. Suddenly, your coffee table, snack bar, and counter tops are a sea of multicolored superhero and princess cups. That's what makes the Puj PhillUp Kids Cups so amazing! These awesome little cups come with grippy hooks to hang around different rooms in your house, like the fridge or the bathroom. The cups hang on the grippy hooks, making them easy to fill up for kids throughout the day. Someone needs a cup of water? They know what cup to grab and hang up when they're done. They're great to fill up with snacks throughout the day, or tiny toothbrushes' in the bathroom. What's also great about the design of the cups is the beautiful colors they come in! Long gone are the cups with the faded designs of once loved animals and flowers. Instead, you get modern and clean designed cups that are ultra convenient and stylish! Do yourself a favor and buy the multi-pack, or actually, buy a few of those multi-packs. I'm sure once you hang a few up, you'll realize you need a set for every room in the house.

Puj Flyte
The Puj Flyte is an ultra modern and minimalist design which is a design our parents love! When I was looking for a tub for my son, something I could put in the sink was definitely on the top of my to do list. My back and I aren't friends, and even if you have a strong back, leaning over a bathtub wall to bathe your baby is hard work on your extra tired body! The Puj Flyte has a small, compact design with a soft foam interior, making it very comfortable for your baby, and even more comfortable for mom and dad. The Flyte is designed to fit perfectly into your pedestal or counter top sink, and is perfect for the parents that travel extensively or don't have a lot of room in their sinks/bathrooms. Another great feature: the Puj Flyte is a top of the line tub without the top of the line price tag! As an adoptive mom, this tub was PERFECT for traveling to pick up baby! We were able to fit the tub in the hotel sink for baby's first bath and it didn't take up much room in our suitcase.Puj Flyte in Action!
Such a beautiful design!
Puj Tub
Similar the Flyte, the Puj Tub is has very modern and clean design! Clean is an important word with the Puj Tub, because this amazing bath lays completely flat. That means no mildew, no mold, and no funny smells from this baby bath! The Puj Tub will fit to almost every sink while cradling and protecting your baby. I love the soft foam inside and the easy storage! This tub is perfect for parents who are looking for a tub that will cradle baby in any of your sinks, and when you're done just unfold the tub flat and hang it on a door to dry, or store it out of sight in a drawer! Get the

All of the Puj products are amazing! When you have a child, there's enough toys and necessities that take over your house and it's really hard to keep any type of design going in your home. The Puj products are so modern and clean, they add a great touch of kid friendly style with great functionality! Whether you have a newborn and are looking for the perfect tub to save your back and keep baby clean and safe; or, if you have a few older kiddos who go through water and snack cups like tissues, the Puj PhillUp Kids Cups are the perfect addition to keep your household clean and organized!
Written by Katelyn Bozada