There are two little ladies in my house that are extremely interested in books. One of them actually likes to read them, the other one really just wants to completely tear them to shreds or soak them through with her slobber. The worst part? She is completely disinterested in the "baby proof" books, she wants the tried and true (easy to ruin) paper books.
I guess the actual sound of bending, crinkling, or tearing paper is the best part of a book for an eight month old baby. They just want to fully absorb everything in it maybe?! All I know is that my book-obsessed, three-year-old girl does not appreciate her books being ruined by her sister.
So, I guess we will just have to make baby sister wait to be a part of book time until she's older. JUST KIDDING! You guys, these Indestructibles books are seriously so cool!! They feel almost like a thick cardstock paper but, holy moly, they sure don't act like a cardstock paper!

The claim to be 100% baby proof isn't a stretch. They truly are! I have even tried to see if I can tear a page and I can't. That is both impressive and comforting for mamas! We are always told that babies discover the world by their hands and their mouth, and that reading books to our children is so beneficial for their development. But we can't expect to read to our babies and keep them from wanting to pull and suck on that book, so these are truly filling a need!
The illustrations in all of these books are so bright, cheery, and perfect for baby (and even toddler) eyes! They are non-toxic and can be put in the dishwasher. Yes, you can put this book in the dishwasher!! Smashed banana smear? Problem no more my friends! It is some strange magic I have never seen before and I have no clue how it is possible but they are amazing!
Indestructibles Books are truly filling a need in my house! We can have story time without constantly batting tiny hands away from the oh-so-chewable and tearable pages! I am going to be stopping by the store to pick up a few of the ones we don't have yet to put in my baby's Easter basket, and she is going to be so excited to scrunch and tear at them!
Written by: Alyssa Liston