Santa Claus likely receives thousands of letters each year from boys and girls around the globe. He is kind of a popular guy during the month of December. All of these letters start piling in and work begins to exponentially speed up at the North Pole, I’m sure! Up until this point, the workshop elves have been taking their best educated guesses as to what everyone will want for Christmas that year. However, all of that could change once some wish lists start arriving. I imagine there are mailroom elves to help Santa out with reading and sorting through each and every letter since it appears to be such an important job!
It sounds like quite the task, right? So in an effort to help this particular job of Santa’s, we have an easy, organized, and clean way to make this process as smooth as possible for him and his elves. This Letter to Santa Printable breaks down different types of gifts into four genius categories. It includes prompts and space to fill in as much or as little detail you see fit. Hopefully this letter format will be a huge asset to the mailroom up in the North Pole!Something I want.
Something I need.
Something to wear.
Something to read.
Most importantly, the letter ends with: LOVE THE NICE ONE, __________________. It’s important to remind Santa of who is on the nice list opposed to the naughty list. This also helps things move along up North because presents get made for children on the nice list long before Santa considers girls and boys on the naughty list. This space is one full of pride. So write your name loud and proud because it’s a pretty big deal to be on Santa’s nice list!