Test Drive Your Stroller on our Stroller Track

Test Drive Your Stroller on our Stroller Track

When buying anything, you want to know what you're getting first, right?  You want to know if it's worth your money, how it works, and you want to make sure you'll love it.  Strollers are the same way.  How does it maneuver?  Is it easy to fold?  Will my child be happy and comfortable sitting in it for long periods of time?  All important questions.  At our Utah Baby Store we understand these concerns and want to make stroller buying as easy as possible.  Our staff is trained and tested on product knowledge and can answer any questions you may have about strollers.  That doesn't fix the issue that you want to try out your stroller before you buy it, right?  We have an answer for that too!  Just outside our store is a stroller track, designed specifically to help you decide which stroller is the right fit for you.  We offer different kinds of terrain from wood chips, to gravel, cobblestone, rocks, and speed bumps so that you'll know just how your stroller maneuvers over all of life's paths you may take.  So take a couple strollers out there, compare 'em.  Try pushing with one hand.  Stick your little one in and see which stroller is their favorite.

Stroller Track

Stroller Track

If you're local, come on over!  We'd love to help you.  We have a lot of different floor models in our store ready to be tested.

Below are some of the strollers we carry in stock and have on display that you can test on our stroller track.  We have lots of strollers to choose from including jogging strollers, double strollers, in-line strollers, and lots of stroller accessories like stroller riding boards.

UPPAbaby Vista 2015
UPPAbaby G-luxe
UPPAbaby Cruz
Baby Jogger City Select
Baby Jogger City Mini Double
Baby Jogger City Mini GT
Britax B-Ready
Britax B-Agile
Stokke Xplory
Stokke Scoot
Bumbleride Indie
Bumbleride Indie Twin
Chicco Cortina
Chicco Liteway Plus
Chicco C6
B.O.B Revolution SE
B.O.B Revolution SE Duallie
Valcobaby Spark
Valcobaby Snap4
Valcobaby Twin Tri-Mode EX SE

Baby Cubby Stoller Track
Our stroller track at our utah store


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[…] Testing strollers on our stroller track […]

BOB Jogging Strollers - The Perfect Outdoor Stroller!

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