Memorial Day: A Time to Remember Them

Memorial Day: A Time to Remember Them

This would be the weekend when the community starts to celebrate the beginning of summer. Pools start opening up, American flags hang at every window, and you can smell charcoal in every direction. Memorial Day Weekend is a time for honoring the men and women who have given us all the freedoms that we enjoy.

However, this year is going to be different. Quarantine has reminded us that we have so many freedoms that we take for granted. So even though you don't want to bore your children, take some time to explain the meaning behind this holiday--and hey, maybe use some of these ideas to explain it in a fun way!

Here are a few things that I've been thinking of doing with our little fam!

Sidewalk Chalk

An oldie but a goodie, mamas! Super easy and can keep you kids busy and happy for hours! Have them each draw something they love to do during the summer, help them draw an American flag and explain the meaning of it to them, or have them draw things they are grateful for like your family.

Write Letters to Military

All the men and women who are abroad work hard every day so that we can live free, so maybe do a little something to lift their spirits and say THANK YOU. If your littles are too young to write, you can have them draw pictures or use stickers and stamps and decorate the envelopes.

Family Room Campout

Set up the tent (or make your own little fort) and pull out the sleeping bags and cozy blankets! Turn on your favorite movie, get some yummy snacks, and spend the night together in the family room. Start with a lesson about the women and men who fight for our freedoms.

Water Fun in the Yard

If you're lucky enough to have a yard that your littles can run around in, then set up the hose old school and let them run around and have the time of their lives. Make sure your freezer is packed full of popsicles, and make sure that you put on your SPF, mamas! Oh, and if you've been holding off on getting your kids bathing suits for the summer, now is the best time because we're marking down Rylee and Cru and Quincy Mae at Make sure to explain that they have the freedom to play free because of some pretty incredible women and men.

Just because we can't have our fam and all our besties over doesn't mean we can't enjoy the sunshine, pay our respects, and remember how blessed and lucky we are to live in such a great country. This year we're going to keep it simple, but it can still be so, so sweet! Happy Memorial Day mamas!

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