If you're looking forward to the arrival of your little bundle of joy, you're probably nesting. Cleaning your living space, arranging the baby's room, and packing (and re-packing) the hospital bag. While you're packing that bag, you might be wondering...what's the best thing to wear to the hospital? Most of the time, it doesn't matter what you wear since it ends in a faded unisex hospital gown, anyway. But one woman wasn't satisfied with this answer. Mary Apple studied Fine Art in NYC, and later began working in fashion. At 25, Apple made herself a custom labor gown for the birth of her first child. With some simple adjustments to her first prototype, Apple crafted an even better Labor Gown for the birth of her second child. Thus, the Pretty Pushers Labor Gown was born.
These gowns are made with one purpose in mind: to keep you feeling feminine, confident, and comfortable--even when you're pushing a baby out! Pretty Pushers Gowns come with comfortable fabric and adjustable windows for fetal monitoring, IVs, or even epidural access, if needed. With USA-made cotton and recyclable packaging, you can even dispose of the gown guilt-free, or keep it as a memento of that oh-so special day when you met your little one. Plan to be sitting pretty with one of the gowns below:

Black Labor Gown

Cream Labor Gown

Cap Sleeve Transition Gown
As a note, all of these gowns can double as a comfy nightie and make amazing nursing gowns after the baby comes. So go and be free, and look amazing doing it!