Dear Gammy and Granddad,
Today is all about you, and everything you, and all the other grandparents like you, do to make me feel like the most special little guy or girl in the whole world. This is my little way to say THANK YOU for all that you do!
THANK YOU for being there at the hospital when I first showed up. You held me with my little hat on, tightened my blankie, and told me that I was the most perfect thing in the whole world.
THANK YOU for always answering the phone when Mama calls to ask if it's okay that I've been up all night crying. She needed to hear that everything would be okay, and that she would be over in the morning to let her take a nap.
THANK YOU for supporting Daddy when he changed his first diaper and he wasn't quite sure which side went in front. You were there to walk him through it, and he's been a pro ever since.
THANK YOU for coming over to hold me, looking in my eyes, and telling me all about the world around me. You told me about colors, and sounds, and textures. You rubbed my little feet and hands until I fell asleep, and you sang to me even though I didn't understand the words.
THANK YOU for being with Mama and Daddy when I had to go to the doctor, and they were scared and sad. You gave them the support and comfort they needed, and that helped me get better faster.
THANK YOU for buying me books and toys that Mama and Daddy used to love when they were little. I love to play, and you knew exactly what I would want!
THANK YOU for teaching Mama not to take things too seriously. She needs to know it's okay for me to take a sip of Icee at Target, and to play (and sometimes eat) some dirt in the backyard.
THANK YOU for always being willing to watch me when Mama and Daddy need a night out. They do that every once in a while, and you are my favorite babysitter.
THANK YOU for always trying to feed me different kinds of foods. Sometimes Daddy doesn't know that I can have chocolate ice cream, but you make sure to show him how much I love it!
THANK YOU for your sweet smiles whenever I see you on FaceTime. You make me laugh and giggle, and I love to give you kisses through the phone.

THANK YOU for encouraging me to crawl, walk, and talk. You held my little hands when I was still learning, and you made me feel safe enough try it on my own.
THANK YOU for being there for every birthday, holiday, and special occasion. Even if you can't give me hugs in person you send presents, cards, and love. Sometimes you're there to make me a cake to smash!
THANK YOU for letting me play at your house during the summers, and swim in the pool in the backyard. I love to sit and cuddle with you on your big comfy chair.

THANK YOU for posting every First Day picture that mom takes and sends to you on your own Facebook. It lets me know that you're proud of me, even if I might get embarrassed about it when I get a little older.