Okay, friends, I am going to admit something to you right now. For a long time, I thought that everyone was buying the Nuna Pipa because it was just the trendy car seat; it's minimal, sleek, and doesn't have multi-colored designs on it. Then I got pregnant with my second baby and started looking for a new car seat. Wouldn't you know, I fell in love with the Pipa!
This post is not a post to tell you every tiny little detail about the Pipa, but if you are looking for that, watch the video below! I am talking specifically about the original Pipa! The video compares it with the Pipa Lite, which is helpful if you are trying to decide between the two! Okay, now let's get into why I personally fell in love with the Pipa! The main reasons are the weight, the base, the fabric care, the space, and the dream drape.
We had a different car seat with our first and although it was very nice, it was HEAVY! The Pipa weighs a whopping 7.9 pounds which really makes carrying your load a lot less of a chore. Our baby was born at 9 lbs and 11 oz, so we are certainly glad to have a seat that weighs less than 10 pounds!Base
I am a researcher. I want to know and compare everything I can about a product before purchasing it. Thanks to the amount of information I have consumed on car seats, I am quite the safety freak. Nuna really knocked the ball out of the park with the base for the Pipa! Rigid LATCH with a load leg and the option to use a seatbelt to install when needed (it is so dang easy to install!). I really don't know how a car seat base could get any better.
Nuna Pipa Base
First of all, the fabric is dreamy soft. So many car seats have scratchy fabric that I for sure would not want to be sitting in for a long time. That is not so with the Pipa (and all other Nuna car seats for that matter!). It is buttery soft, wipes clean well, AND can be washed in the washer! Yup, I know it, washed in the washer is enough to make you say yes, right? Yeah, me too!Space
The car seat we had with our first was very narrow. By 8 months old, we were looking to move to a convertible seat because you could tell our little lady just felt cramped. Following height and weight limits, we could have technically used the infant seat for much longer, but we wanted her to be comfortable, especially on long drives! Although moving to a convertible seat isn't necessarily bad, we wanted to get more use out of the infant seat this time. The Pipa provides that comfortable space we were hoping for our baby! She doesn't look squished in the seat and moves her arms and head freely!Dream Drape
This thing is AMAZING!! I can't tell you how many times I have had people ask me if it is an accessory they can buy for their car seats. Not having to worry about grabbing one extra thing to be able to cover the car seat is so nice!
Nuna Pipa in Graphite
Since it pulls down from the top and sticks to the sides with magnets, it also pretty much completely prevents the strangers and well-meaning but germ carrying people out in public that think it is perfectly okay to just peek at and touch your baby! An added bonus is that it is UPF 50+ fabric!
The bottom line is this, the Pipa might be a trendy car seat that you see all over Instagram, but it is because it deserves to be trendy! It is jam-packed with features that you (and your baby) will be absolutely impressed with and it sits on a throne (actually a base) that is going to keep the precious cargo strapped into it safe as can be! I truly 100% love this car seat and feel confident saying that if you give it a shot, you probably will too!
Written by: Alyssa Liston
1 comment
[…] including the canopy and inserts. And it can be used without the base if needed. Let’s just say there’s a reason why this car seat is so […]