If you're looking into a stroller to fit your active lifestyle, you can't go wrong with Baby Jogger! But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which one is the best fit for you and babe?
Note: Since this post was published, the City Mini and the City Mini GT are no longer on the market. The newest version that is currently selling is the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2, you can watch, read, and learn all about this version here!
The Baby Jogger City Mini and the City Mini GT are perfect for parents who are looking for an easy-to-use, smooth ride for all your adventures indoors or out! They're both lightweight, easy to use, and comfortable for your babe. But because they're so similar, you may be going back and forth between which one makes the most sense for you. We're here to help!

When it comes to the specs, the Mini and the Mini GT are almost identical, but the GT is going to have a few extra features (more seat padding, taller seat, foam-filled tires, different braking system, and higher weight capacity) that may be a better fit for some families.
Stroller Weight and Fold
Both strollers are super lightweight and have the parent-friendly one-handed fold, which makes it a breeze to get in and out of the trunk. Plus, the fold is super compact so it stores really well! Thanks to the added features, the GT is about 5 lbs heavier.

Seat and Canopy
The generous canopy with peek-in windows and the flat recline make this super convenient for babes that wanna take a little snooze while you stroll, and the padded seat is going to make sure they ride comfortably! The GT will have a little more padding than the Mini, and it also has a taller seat and weight capacity which will help to accommodate for bigger kids.
Tires and Suspension
The tires on the City Mini and the Mini GT are where you'll see the most difference between the two. The City Mini has all-rubber tires, which make it great for your easier surfaces like tile, concrete, or sidewalks. The GT has foam-filled rubber tires which make it easier to maneuver on rougher terrain, and, thanks to the added shocks, it makes going over bumps and uneven trails more comfortable for your little one!
Handlebars, Brakes, Car Seat Compatibility
The two strollers also have different handle bars and braking systems. The GT has a hand brake and an adjustable handlebar, versus the foot brake and the fixed handlebar on the City Mini. But both will come with the same adapter option for infant car seats.
Not Intended for Jogging
It's important to mention that neither of these strollers are intended for jogging, but Baby Jogger did every parent a solid by making sure the City Mini and the Mini GT come in a bunch of different colors so you can pick the one that matches your personality and lifestyle!
Watch Now for More Info
Here's a little more info on the two to help you make the best decision. You can also take a look at one of our Cubby Mamas going over the similarities and differences in this video!
Hi Sue,
The Tour carrycot is only compatible with the Tour stroller. So you’ll need a City Mini carrycot for your City Mini stroller.
I have the Mini city 2 double Pushchair, can I use the tour carrycot with this?
Can you change the recliner seat padding from one to another. I have two of them ( one to give back) but want to change it cuz I don’t like the colour on the Gt one:) I tried but looks like the buttons to lock are not really matching , has someone done it? Thanks
Suspension System There is a front wheel suspension on the Baby Jogger Mini GT that provides a smooth ride for your baby, but this is no match for the independent suspension system on the BOB Revolution SE that can be adjusted to suite the weight of a child. But then the City Mini GT is not intended to be subjected to the same tough use as the Revolution SE.
Yes it is! Here is the car seat adapter for it!