Bringing in Spring!

Bringing in Spring!

Yay! It's here! The long awaited season that has everyone itching to get outside, be neighbors again, and perhaps pull out a mop and duster -- spring! There's something about the changing weather that brings smiles to everyone's faces and more energy to the kiddos. What are you doing to take advantage of this fun change? Here are some things we're looking forward to:

Easter! Of course this is an obvious one. Easter is a favorite of children and adults alike (who often benefit from all the candy their kids collect). This sweet holiday brings all the favorites -- dyeing Easter egg, Easter egg hunts, all the fun decorations that come in the brightest colors, and let's not forget the traditional Easter luncheons and all they yummiest of foods and goodies! 

easter basket

Our family sticks to the usual when it comes to this holiday, we'll gather with cousins for a larger Easter egg hunt the Saturday before. The young kids will laugh and play whilst on sugar highs, the dads will talk work and business, and we moms will make ourselves busy prepping food and catching up on all the latest ins and outs of our families. On Easter Sunday, we'll dress in our best and head to church and of course snap the annual photo. And if the kiddos are lucky, they'll have an Easter basket to look forward to. 

Spring Break! Who doesn't love a good break? Whether your kiddos are still too young for school, or if you're full in the throngs of carpooling and homework,  taking a few days to slow down and throw the schedules out the window is well worth it! Spring Break is the perfect time to take a little vacation, or in our case, "staycation". We don't have plans for anything extravagant, but visiting a few of our local restaurants and swimming at our local health center will for sure make the top of our to-do list. 

Spring Break also equals spring cleaning! Yes, that's something I'm totally looking forward to -- but preferably in the form of yard work! Trimming back trees and shrubs, making room for the budding daffodils and tulips, finding hidden treasures from the previous fall, just the thought makes me giddy! There's nothing like spending time outside with my kiddos and soaking up the vitamin D we've all missed so much over the past few months. It is very much anticipated! 

Spring cleaning can also be an opportunity to let your kids do some of the work. Assigning small, age appropriate tasks to your kids allows them feel like they're contributing and saves you from doing all the work yourself! Turn on some music, open the windows, and get to it!

boy mopping
Spring Sports! This is another favorite around here as I've got a house full of very active children. 4 out of 5 kids are playing soccer, which accounts for a lot of practices and full Saturdays! It always seems a bit overwhelming as schedules come out, but there's something about watching your kids doing something they love that makes all the chaos so very worth it! 

Hopefully with spring in the air you'll be able to enjoy the changes and many activities with your family! 

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