Okay, mamas, the never-ending month of January is FINALLY over. I swear, did it feel like it lasted three times longer than normal, or was it just me? Now that it's a new month and we've got a whole new list of National Days that we'll be celebrating at The Baby Cubby that we're sure you'll love too!

February 4: Homemade Soup Day
When it's cold out and you've had the longest day ever, nothing sounds better than a warm bowl of soup. Unfortunately, our littles don't always do so well with the whole full bowl thing--I've dealt with at least 3 tragic full bowl spills in the last month. Ugh. Don't be like me. Get yourself some lifesaver Mini Bowls from EZPZ and you'll never have to worry about the bowl flopping to the ground. They suction to the table or a high chair and stay put so that your littles can focus on getting the whole spoon-to-mouth part of soup down!
February 7: Wear Red Day
Such a cute excuse to match your littles for the day, get over to BabyCubby.com and get everyone something in red to wear for the day! We have something for everyone in the fam-- ruffled footies for your babes, an adorable bright red dress for your little dancer, and of course, the most comfortable housedress that you'll want to wear every other day of the month too!
February 14: Valentine's Day
If you need to give your man some ideas about what to get you for the love day, then we have good news for you-- Made by Mary jewelry! Give him the link to our site and let him pick out a couple of pieces he'll think you'll love. My fave is the gold Poppy choker, but I have my heart set on some new hoops!
You can also get a little something for your babes by picking up the Little Poet Board Book - Shakespeare - I Love You. Reading them a few of his sweetest poems while celebrating the day of love and eating your weight in Reese's hearts sounds like the perfect way to spend Valentine's Day!
February 17: Presidents' Day
Help your babes learn more about presidents by getting them one of the Ordinary People Change The World Books. The I am Abraham Lincoln one is the perfect way for littles to get an idea of the amazing things our early leaders did for our country. You can also show them pics of the more modern presidents, show them who was POTUS when you were born, when they were born, and even when Grandma and Grandpa were born!
February 21: Caregivers' Day
Hello, mamas, this is the day to celebrate the fact whether you're a full- or part-time working mama, a stay-at-home mama, or a little bit of everything, you get to celebrate the time, tears, sleepless nights, meals made, and boo-boos kissed. As a caregiver to our littles, this day is all about how we give up of ourselves so that our littles will have a happy, healthy, and whole childhood. This would also be a cute day to give your fave babysitter a text saying thanks, or even to your mom or sister for watching the kids whenever you need a couple minutes of sanity!
February 26: Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Every kid I know insists on extra books before bedtime, and this is the day that you can give in a little (just start a little early so you still get to bed on time. You feel me, mamas?) Getting a couple of cute BabyLit books like Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan help your littles soak up all the magic of the story without the screen.
1 comment
I didn’t realize that there were so many national holidays in February! These are fun!