A while back I wrote a big old post comparing two of The Baby Cubby’s most popular cotton muslin swaddle blankets: Aden + Anais vs. Little Unicorn. Not only are these incredibly popular, but they also happen to be some of my favorite brands that are used A LOT in my home when I have a newborn. To be more specific, these two brands are my go-tos for swaddle blankets. Period. Brooke recently wrote a cute write-up about Aden + Anais and today I’m more than happy to be writing about Little Unicorn!
Cotton Muslin 3-Pack - Happy Camper
First of all, I’m a “judge a book by its title” type of gal, and working in the baby product industry, I’ve found myself to be just as "judgy" with brand names as I am with my book titles. And Little Unicorn easily passes my name test. Not to mention, they’ve made quite a name for themselves! Their products are widespread and not hard at all to find, which likely makes a whole lot of mamas real happy.
Outdoor Blanket - Midnight Poppy
Not to spoil my previously written comparison post, but LU came out on top when it came to swaddle blankets. And at the risk of sounding a bit too repetitive, here are the main reasons why: 1. Slightly rougher muslin material makes for a better hold in a swaddle. 2. Bold and trendy prints. 3. Better wear over time. No, I’m not bashing on A+A whatsoever, I love that brand to pieces! But these subtle differences do put LU on top for my personal tastes and preferences.
As for the other products LU carries, well, they’re just as desirable. At this exact moment, The Baby Cubby does not carry every LU product, which is almost shameful! Luckily, we do have quite a few items of theirs and we aren’t the least bit surprised that they’re fan-favorites.
I recently discovered that LU is one of my top favorite brands when I got a baby shower invite in the mail and knew instantly what I was going to give as a gift at that shower. LU isn't just my go-to, it's also a brand that I rave about to anyone and LOVE to show off when my babies and kids are using their products. I already have my next LU purchase (besides this baby shower coming up) all mapped out for myself. I don't think I can go another summer without the outdoor blanket, so I'll be sure to grab an outdoor blanket before our first outside adventure once winter is done with!